Sooooo I (Reanna) have a very serious yet strange confession to make. I make this confession in the hopes that I can help others. I will inevitably make jokes about it throughout this blog but please know this really is an issue for some.........I do not go to the bathroom specifically #2 in public places or in peoples homes. I am not afraid of germs, falling in the toilet or not having toilet paper....I am afraid other people will know what I am doing. They might hear me, see me or THE WORST smell something.
Fast forward to today, I have no fear of #1 (forget the fact that in public I wait to pee until everyone leave the bathroom or at least until everyone that was in there when I got there is gone, then I hurry to be the first one done so no one sees me leave) but I will never NEVER go #2 unless I absolutely have no choice. Not at work, not at most friends and families homes, not at Kevin's when we were dating and certainly not in a public place with multiple stalls. I will wait until I am in the safety of my own home, I will go at my parents home, a few friends homes and one time I locked myself in the bathroom at my old office for 30 minutes but that's it....until today.
So that was my day, how was yours?